Timely reminders for ITKD Instructors and Assistant Instructors


In the hurly-burly and general chaos of our lives, it is easy to let slip, updates of those things required by our National organisation for you to continue as an instructor.

1. The most recent requirement, Police Vetting, has been determined by the ITKD Advisory Panel, the Standards and Discipline Advisor Group, and the Board of Directors. The primary reason for this is our ‘Work with Children’. Please refer to an email sent by Master McPhail to all those who Instruct (Dec 5, 2017), for information on the application.


2. All Instructors are required to have a current First Aid qualification.  These are usually valid for two years. So please check your certificate date, and act accordingly.


3. The two-year update requirement also applies to Instructor courses – at least one update course or IIC every two years.   Check the ITKD website for the 2018 course announcements.

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