They never fail to excel, those dedicated people who are responsible for organising and producing the iTKD Vet’s Camp.
Andy, Nik, and Mark along with their awesome catering staff, seem to go from strength to strength – year after year, with absolutely no bounds to what they are capable of achieving.
Add to this the extraordinary level of instruction handed out by truly dedicated people who not only know their stuff – but know how to put it out there with friendly, informative tuition and, you have a weekend worth ten times the fee requested to make it all happen!!
Our two Masters (Masters Rimmer and Banicevich) had us believing we had shed a number of years by enticing us to perform techniques we had tried in previous times – and it wasn’t until we tried getting out of bed on Sunday morning we realised we may have taken things a step too far!
These two Gentlemen, ably assisted by Messrs Campbell and Kimberley, took us through various manoeuvres we would never had the opportunity to experience in our normal club training and gave us another reason we had made the right decision by signing up for this much talked about experience.
Whilst TKD protocols are a little more relaxed than they would be in the normal dojang environment, this only adds to the overall camaraderie that exists from the moment you arrive, to the time you reluctantly head off to home early Sunday afternoon.
Forget about the weather, metres of freezing snow and ice could not detract from the friendly atmosphere that pervades the camp – especially on Saturday night, after the first cork has been popped and the fire is roaring in the corner. (Shame about the rugby!)
Camps like this, with people like these, confirms to me why I personally have been involved in this organisation for over 40 years, without a break!
It’s easy to understand why the venue is sold out year after year (even though it may have been a struggle to get up off the floor from time to time) and I just can’t wait for the next one.
Roll on iTKD Vet’s Camp 2020.
Peter Graham, 6th Dan,
Remuera Taekwon-do